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Brooke's Pick: The Lazy Genius Way by Kendra Adachi

Be productive without sacrificing peace of mind using Lazy Genius principles that help you focus on what really matters and let go of what doesn't. If you need a comprehensive strategy for a meaningful life but are tired of reading stacks of self-help books, here is an easy way that actually works.

Finally, a self-help book that actually helps! Kendra Adachi’s The Lazy Genius Way is just the book I needed to view my life through a new, kinder lens and apply tips and tricks to help everything function better.


What makes The Lazy Genius Way stand apart from other self-help manuals is that Kendra does not just babble on about her own life, effectively shutting out the reader by showing only one way to accomplish your goals. Rather, Kendra presents 13 guiding principles to live life the “lazy genius way.” Lazy geniuses still get things done, but they do it by focusing on what matters. When you put effort into the things that matter and ditch the things that don’t, you will find that you are happier and more fulfilled. That’s what Kendra’s book is all about.


I found Kendra’s 13 principles to be totally accessible. Her principles are meant to guide you as you navigate your life, and can be applied in a variety of circumstances, no matter what life throws at you. She gives advice such as deciding once (such as determining that every Tuesday is Mexican dinner night at home) to give your brain more room to focus on the things that matter. Asking the magic question, which is “What can I do now to make later run smoother?”, is a way to show your future self a little compassion. The answer to the magic question might include chopping vegetables for the upcoming week’s dinners on Sunday, or laying out your clothes for work the night before. That is just a sampling, but all 13 of Kendra’s principles hold real value in the lives of today’s modern woman and are frankly, life-changing.


I felt renewed after reading The Lazy Genius Way. As I read, I immediately started looking for ways to be a “genius about the things that matter, and lazy about the things that don’t” in my own life. The Lazy Genius Way has revolutionized the way I approach the minutiae of life, and has inspired me to focus my time and effort on the things that are truly important to me.

- Brooke, Public Relations Librarian

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