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Do you love your library and want to give back? Then consider joining one of our Friends of the Library groups! Libraries need proud, passionate patrons like you to stand behind them and act as community advocates, getting the word out about the numerous resources and services provided by libraries to communities. If you are a library lover, we invite you to be our Friend!
Friends of the Lafourche Parish Public Library raise money that enables our library system to move from good to great, providing the resources for additional programming, much needed equipment and supplies, support for Summer Experience, and special events throughout the year.
The work of the Friends consistently highlights the fact that our library system is the cornerstone of the community, providing opportunities for all to engage in the joy of life-long learning and connecting with the thoughts and ideas of others from ages past to present to future.
The Friends' gift of time and commitment to the Lafourche Parish Public Library system sets an example for all in how volunteerism leads to positive civic engagement and the betterment of the community.
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed people can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."
- Margaret Mead
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Friends play an important role in raising funds to support library activities and services. Friends of the Library book sales are just one of the ways that our Friends raise funds to benefit the library.
Funds raised by Friends of the Library have supported our library in so many ways, including:
Summer Experience programming and prizes
Veterans Day events
Contest prizes
Library enhancements and beautification
Friends advocate for libraries by informing the public of why libraries are integral community spaces and a resource for the areas they serve. (This can be as simple as mentioning library activities to friends who are looking for something fun and free to do with their family over school breaks!) Friends groups provide a channel of communication between the library and citizens of Lafourche Parish.
Friends may choose to volunteer some of their time at the library, assisting staff with preparations and events.
Through their work, Friends stimulate greater use of the library, support programs, help develop new services, and publicize our library system.
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Our branches maintain their own individual Friends groups who provide support for the community the branch serves.
The following branches have Friends groups (click for membership form):
Golden Meadow (Branch currently closed due to Hurricane Ida)
South Lafourche (Branch currently closed due to Hurricane Ida)
Thibodaux (Click for Friends of the Library Website)
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Contact your home branch for more specific information about their Friends group.
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